Bronchitis Emphysema & COPD
Bronchitis is a condition of inflammation of the bronchi i.e. the airways of the lungs.
Acute Bronchitis: Acute bronchitis is usually symptomized by cough that lasts around three weeks. In more than 90% of cases the cause is a viral infection. These viruses may spread through air when people cough or by direct contact. Risk factors include exposure to tobacco smoke, dust, and other air pollution. A small number of cases are due to high levels of air pollution or bacteria such as Mycoplasma Pneumonia or Bordetella pertussis. All of it, which is very common in today’s scenario.
Chronic Bronchitis : Chronic bronchitis is a productive cough that lasts for three months or more every year for at least two years. Most people with chronic bronchitis have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in later stages. Emphysema is the damage caused to the smaller airways and air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs. Pulmonary means ‘affecting the lungs’. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a condition in which the airways are narrowed due to chronic bronchitis and emphysema, which are usually found to occur together.
Common Symptoms Of COPD – Bronchitis And Emphysema
Frequent appearance of cough that gradually becomes persistent. Often this is mistaken for a ‘smokers’ cough’ in the early stages. Breathlessness becomes the main cause for concern for these patients.
Breathlessness and wheeziness occurs while taking exertion, for instance, while climbing the stairs. These symptoms tend to become gradually worse over the years if the patient smokes for a long time. Chest infections also become common in this condition.
Main Causes Of COPD Bronchitis And Emphysema
Smoking, chronic tobacco smoking is the primary reason for this condition. It has been found that long-term smokers develop COPD. This can be life threatening unless extra-pulmonary diseases like cardiovascular, diabetes or cancer do not claim their lives first. – Intense and prolonged exposure to Occupational dust found in coal mining, gold mining and the cotton textile industry and/or chemicals such as cadmium, isocyanides and fumes from welding have also been found to be the cause of airflow obstruction, even in non-smokers.
Air pollution is another main cause of COPD. Scientific research in many places around the world had found that people who live in large cities have a higher rate of COPD compared to those living in rural areas.